


Articles and working papers

Mira Burri and Kholofelo Kugler, ‘Regulatory Autonomy in Digital Trade Agreements’, Journal of International Economic Law 27 (2024), 397–423.

Mira Burri and María Vásquez Callo-Müller, ‘Charting the Course: TRIPS-Plus Agreements and the Intersection of Intellectual Property with Digital Trade’, American University Law Review 73 (2024), 167–179.

Mira Burri, ‘The Digital Transformation of Trade Law’, SciencePo Law Review, special issue ‘Law and Technology: Toward a Digital Rule of Law’ (2024), 29–33.

María Vásquez Callo-Müller, Diego F Ortega Sanabria and Alejandro Matsuno Remigio, ‘The WIPO Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge: Situating a Landmark Development in International Intellectual Property Governance’, GRUR International 73 (2024), 1128–1136.

María Vásquez Callo-Müller, ‘Accommodating AI Innovation: The Potential of Free Trade Agreements to Facilitate a More Flexible Interpretation of the TRIPS Three-Step Test’, Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Law 14 (2024), 35-55.

Kholofelo Kugler and Rutendo Tavengerwei, ‘Digital Sovereignty: Implications for African Countries’, Global Trade and Customs Journal 19 (2024), 471–483.

Dacio Castillo and Kholofelo Kugler, ‘The Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce: Are We There Yet? Global Trade and Customs Journal 19 (2024), 267–276.

Neha Mishra and Kholofelo Kugler, ‘International Community in the Global Digital Economy: A Case Study on the African Digital Trade Framework’, International & Comparative Law Quarterly 73 (2024), 853–889.

Mira Burri, María Vásquez Callo-Müller and Kholofelo Kugler, ‘The Evolution of Digital Trade Law: Insights from TAPED’, World Trade Review 22 (2024), 1–18.

Mira Burri, Kholofelo Kugler, Anna Dorothea Ker, ‘Digital Trade in the EU–New Zealand FTA: An Appraisal’, Legal Issues of Economic Integration 51 (2024), 11–46.

Edited books and special issues

Kholofelo Kugler and Fernando Piérola, special issue, Global Trade and Customs Journal 19(7-8), 2024.

Book chapters

Mira Burri, ‘Inequality and Sustainable Development in Digital Trade Regulation’, in X. Zhao and A. Ziegler (eds) International Trade Law and the Sustainable Development Goals (Routledge, forthcoming 2024).

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Trade’, in C. Lim and J. Trachtman (eds) The Cambridge Companion to World Trade Law (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2024).

Mira Burri and Tania Voon, ‘Security Exceptions’, in C. Lim and J. Trachtman (eds) The Cambridge Companion to World Trade Law (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2024).

Mira Burri, ‘EU External Trade Policy in The Digital Age: Has Culture Been Left Behind?’, in E. Psychogiopoulou and S. Schoenmaekers (eds) European Union Economic Law and Culture (Edward Elgar, 2024) 243–267.

Mira Burri, ‘Convergences and Divergences between EU Digital Trade and Cultural Policies’, in M. Dâmaso (ed) The Power of Culture: The European Union as a Global Cultural Actor (De Gruyter, forthcoming 2024).

Mira Burri, ‘Inequalities in Digital Trade and Digital Trade Regulation’, in E. Askin and H. Stoll (eds) Contested Equality: International and Comparative Legal Perspectives (Edward Elgar, 2024) 203–220.

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Trade under the Law of the World Trade Organization’, T. Cottier and K. Nadakuvaren-Schefer (eds) Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, 2nd edn (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2024).

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Trade in Free Trade Agreements’, T. Cottier and K. Nadakuvaren-Schefer (eds) Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, 2nd edn (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2024).

Mira Burri, ‘Privacy and Data Protection in Trade Agreements’, T. Cottier and K. Nadakuvaren-Schefer (eds) Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, 2nd edn (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2024).

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Trade: New Design Elements in Preferential Trade Agreements’, in M. Elsig, K. Claussen and R. Polanco (eds) The Concept Design of 21st Century Trade Agreements (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2024).

María Vásquez Callo-Müller, Kholofelo Kugler, Marine Roux, Yinuo Liu and Thomas Cottier, ‘The Future Design of Intellectual Property Provisions in Preferential Trade Agreements: Three Proposition’, in M. Elsig, K. Claussen and R. Polanco (eds) The Concept Design of 21st Century Trade Agreements (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2024).

Mira Burri, ‘Creating Data Flows Rules through Preferential Trade Agreements’, in A. Chander and H. Sun (eds) Data Sovereignty: From the Digital Silk Road to the Return of the State (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024) 264–291.


Mira Burri, ‘Digital Economy Agreements as Legal Innovation’, ANU-SMU Digital Economy Forum, Singapore Management University and Australian National University, SMU, Singapore, 26–27 November 2024.

Mira Burri, ‘Artificial and Trade: What Roles for Free Trade Agreements and the World Trade Organization?’, WTO Geneva, 21 November 2024.

Mira Burri, ‘International IP in the Age of AI: Implications for Digital Trade Governance, AI Tech & Policy Talk, Digital Law Centre, University of Geneva, 19 November 2024.

Mira Burri, ‘The Protection and Promotion of Cultural Diversity in the Age of AI’, UNESCO Expert Meeting, Paris, 6–8 November 2024.

Mira Burri, ‘Non-Discriminatory Treatment of Digital Products’, ASEAN DEFA Negotiations Round, Jakarta, Indonesia, 4 November 2024.

Mira Burri, ‘AI for Trade: Maximizing Benefits, Minimizing Risks’, WTO Public Forum 2024, Geneva, 12 September 2024.

Mira Burri, ‘Global Models for Realizing Sustainable and Inclusive Digital Trade through RTAs‘, WTO Public Forum 2024, Geneva, 11 September 2024.

Mira Burri, ‘Global Digital Trade Governance: Setting the Scene’, World Trade Forum organized by the World Trade Institute and the European University Institute, Bern, 7 September 2024.

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Trade and Human Rights’, APEC Digital Week, Lima and online, 26 August 2024.

Mira Burri, ‘AI and Trade’, APEC Digital Week, Lima and online, 21 August 2024.

Mira Burri, ‘EU Strategy for Data, Its Interplay with the EU’s Data Protection Regime and Its Competitiveness’, Valuable Data, Priceless Privacy, 37th International Privacy Conference, 1–3 July 2024, St. John’s College, Cambridge, 3 July 2024.

Mira Burri, ‘The State of Digital Trade Governance’, Scientific Roundtable on Digital Policy and Data Governance in the Age of AI, Bank of Italy, 3 June 2024.

Mira Burri, ‘Cultural Diversity and AI’, Meeting of the UNESCO’s Reflection Group on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in the Digital Environment, Quebec City, 28–31 May 2024.

Mira Burri, ‘Innovation and Regulation – Getting the Balance Right’, Regulation of AI, Internet and Data (RAID 2024), 30 April 2024 (online).

Mira Burri, ‘Trade Meets Artificial Intelligence’, Trade Policy Exchange webinar, 19 April 2024.

Mira Burri, ‘Regulatory Autonomy in Digital Trade Agreements’, SECO, 18 April 2024.

Mira Burri, ‘The WTO E-Commerce Agenda – A Post-MC13 Stock Take’, webinar co-organized by Trade Law 4.0, University of Lucerne and the Center on Inclusive Trade and Development, Georgetown Law, 21 March 2024 (online).

Mira Burri, ‘Legal TINA: Harnessing Technology and AI for Better Trade Agreement Negotiations’, UN ESCAP and Center on Inclusive Trade and Development, Georgetown Law, Washington, DC, 20 March 2024.

Mira Burri, ‘The WTO’s Digital Trade Negotiations in the Wake of its 13th Ministerial Conference’, Columbia Institute for Tele-Information Global Digital Seminar, Columbia University, 19 March 2024 (online).

Mira Burri and Kholofelo Kugler, ‘Digital Work and Global Trade Law’, SICL Webinar on Outsourcing Digital Work under the Law, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (online), 5 March 2024.


Articles and working papers

Mira Burri, ‘Switzerland in the Global Landscape of Digital Trade Regulation’, Jusletter-IT (December 2023) 

Mira Burri, María Vásquez Callo-Müller and Kholofelo Kugler, ‘The Evolution of Digital Trade Law: Insights from TAPED’, Trade Law 4.0 Working Paper No 4/2023 (forthcoming in World Trade Review 23, 2024)

Mira Burri, ‘A WTO Agreement on Electronic Commerce: An Enquiry into its Substance and Viability’, Georgetown Journal of International Law 53 (2023), 565–625

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Trade and Human Rights’, AJIL Unbound: Symposium on Digital Trade and International Law 117 (2023), 110–115

Mira Burri and Anupam Chander, ‘What Are Digital Trade and Digital Trade Law?’, AJIL Unbound: Symposium on Digital Trade and International Law 117 (2023), 99–103

María Vásquez Callo-Müller and Kholofelo Kugler, ‘Digital Trade, Development, and Inequality’, AJIL Unbound: Symposium on Digital Trade and International Law 117 (2023) 116-121

Mira Burri, ‘Trade Law 4.0: Are We There Yet?’, Journal of International Economic Law 26:1 (2023), 90–100

Mira Burri, ‘Cross-Border Data Flows and Privacy in Global Trade Law: Has Trade Trumped Data Protection?’, Oxford Review of Economic Policy 39 (2023), 85–97

Mira Burri, ‘The Impact of Digitization on Global Trade Law’, German Law Journal 24:3 (2023), 171–202

Mira Burri and Zaira Zihlmann, ‘The EU Cyber Resilience Act: An Appraisal and Contextualization’, Zeitschrift für Europarecht (EuZ) 2 (2023)

Mira Burri and Kholofelo Kugler, ‘Digitization, Regulatory Barriers and Sustainable Development’, Trade Law 4.0 Working Paper No 3/2023

María Vásquez Callo-Müller, ‘FTAs’ Contribution Towards a More Flexible Copyright Space: Possibilities and Limits’, American University International Law Review 3 (2023), 159–195

Book chapters

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Transformation as a Reshaper of Global Trade Law’, in K. Mathis and A. Tor (eds) Law and Economics of Digital Transformation (Berlin: Springer, 2023), 387-407

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Trade Rulemaking in Free Trade Agreements’, in D. Collins and M. Geist (eds) Handbook on Digital Trade (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2023), 9–27

Mira Burri and Kristina Irion, ‘Digital Trade’, in G. Kübek, C.J. Tams, J.P. Terhechte (eds) EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: A Commentary, (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2023), 255–275

Expert reports

Mira Burri, ‘Governing Cross-Border Data Flows: International Trade Agreements and Their Limits’, Oxford Global Society Policy Report, 12 April 2023 (with Keida, Chan Chin and Aaronson)

Mira Burri, ‘Study on Digital Trade for Malawi’, A Report for the Government of Malawi Commissioned by GIZ: Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit, March 2023


Mira Burri, ‘Do Regional Trade Agreements Indicate the Way Forward for the Multilateral Trading System?’, UNCTAD eWeek, UNCTAD, Geneva, 7 December 2023

Mira Burri, ‘Tracing the Dynamics of Digital Trade Rulemaking’, 2nd Forum on Rule of Law in Global Digital Trade, Hangzhou, China, 24 November 2023

Mira Burri, ‘Where Is the Happy Medium? Privacy and Competing Equities’, IAPP Europe Data Protection Congress (DPC), Brussels, 16 November 2023

Mira Burri, ‘Global Trade Governance in the Digital Age’, ERIA conference ‘Policy Dialogue on ASEAN Digital Community 2045, Krabi, Thailand, 14–15 November 2023

Mira Burri, ‘Human Rights Implications of Digital Trade Law’, invited presentation, Geneva Graduate Institute, 26 October 2023

Mira Burri, ‘In Search of Commonalities, Complementarities and Convergence:  Trade, Cross-Border Data Flows and Data Localisation’, OECD Forum on Trade, OECD Paris, 3 October 2023

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Trade Governance, RTAs and the Implications for TRIPS’, ACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM: TRIPS AT 25, WTO, Geneva, 30 June 2023

Mira Burri and María Vásquez Callo-Müller, ‘Global Intellectual Property Protection and Digital Trade: Evidence from Preferential Trade Agreements’, Intellectual Property Researchers Europe (IPRE) Conference, University of Geneva, WTO and WIPO, Geneva, 30 June 2023

Mira Burri, ‘Sovereignty and the Law of Digital Trade’, Digital Constitutionalism Summer School, Florence, 26 June 2023

Mira Burri, ‘Human Rights Implications of Digital Trade Law’, Law and Society Annual Meeting, San Juan, 1 June 2023

Mira Burri, ‘The Law of Digital Trade’, Trade Law 4.0 conference organized by Georgetown Law and the University of Lucerne, Washington, DC, 25 May 2023

Mira Burri, ‘Bridging Privacy, Security and Borders’, RAID: Regulation, Artificial Intelligence, Internet and Data Conference, online, 3 May 2023

Mira Burri, ‘Europe’s Perspective on the Data Free Flow with Trust Proposal’, workshop, Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), Washington, DC and online, 24 April 2023

Mira Burri, ‘Inclusive Digital Development’, Rethinking World Trade 2023, Center on Inclusive Trade and Development, Georgetown Law, 13 April 2023

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Technologies, E-Commerce, Regulatory Barriers, and Sustainable Development’, Workshop, Digital Innovation, Technology, and Trade Agenda, Villars Institute, Villars-sur-Ollon, 17 March 2023

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Trade Regulation: Mapping the Evolving Landscape’, International Trade Institute, online, 23 February 2023

Mira Burri, ‘The Present and Future of Digital Trade Law: Reconciling Existing Models’, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, online, 22 February 2023

Mira Burri, ‘Data Governance’, Workshop for the government of Malawi, organized by GIZ: Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit, online, 11 January 2023

Mira Burri, ‘Trends in Digital Trade Rule-Making’, Workshop for the government of Malawi, organized by GIZ: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, online, 9 January 2023


Articles and working papers

Mira Burri, ‘Approaches to Digital Trade and Data Flow Regulation across Jurisdictions: Implications for the Future EU–ASEAN Agreement’, Legal Issues of Economic Integration 49 (2022), 149–168

Mira Burri, ‘A WTO Agreement on Electronic Commerce: An Enquiry into its Substance and Viability’, Trade Law 4.0 Working Paper No 1/2021 (forthcoming Georgetown Journal of International Law 53 (2022))

Kholofelo Kugler, ‘The Impact of Data Localisation Laws on Trade in Africa’, Mandela Institute Policy Brief 8 (2022)

Book chapters

Mira Burri, ‘EU External Trade Policy in The Digital Age: Has Culture Been Left Behind?’, Trade Law 4.0 Working Paper No 2/2022 (forthcoming in E. Psychogiopoulou and S. Schoenmaekers (eds) European Union Economic Law and Culture (Edward Elgar, 2023))

Mira Burri, ‘Creating Data Flows Rules through Preferential Trade Agreements’, in A. Chander and H. Sun (eds) Data Sovereignty along the Digital Silk Road (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2023)

Mira Burri and Kristina Irion, ‘Digitaler Handel’, in G. Kübek, C.J. Tams, J.P. Terhechte (eds) Handels- und Kooperationsvertrag EU/GB Handbuch (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2022), 343–368

Mira Burri, ‘Privacy and Data Protection’, in D. Bethlehem, D. McRae, R. Neufeld and I. Van Damme (eds) The Oxford Handbook on International Trade Law, 2nd edn. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022), 745–767

Mira Burri, ‘Fake News in Times of Pandemic and Beyond: Exploring of the Rationales for Regulating Information Platforms’, K. Mathis and A. Tor (eds) Law and Economics of the Coronavirus Crisis (Berlin: Springer, 2022), 31–58

Mira Burri, ‘Adapting Trade Rules for the Age of Big Data’, in A. Taubman and J. Watal (eds) Trade in Knowledge: Intellectual Property, Trade and Development in a Transformed Global Economy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press and World Trade Organization, 2022), 591–622

Blog posts

María Vásquez Callo-Müller and Iryna Bogdanova, ‘What Is the Role of Unilateral Cyber Sanctions in the Context of the Global Cybersecurity Law-Making?’, Völkerrechtsblog, 10 May 2022

María Vásquez Callo-Müller and Iryna Bogdanova, ‘Unilateral Cyber Sanctions and Global Cybersecurity Law-Making’, Opinio Juris, 24 January 2022

Expert reports

Mira Burri, ‘Exploring the Potential of a Future EU-Japan Digital Partnership for Trade Governance’, Report for the Elcano Royal Institute, 25 March 2022


Mira Burri, ‘Trade Law as a Powerful Regulator of the Data-Driven Economy’, Forum on Empowering Data as A New Asset organized by Nature, 2 December 2022

Mira Burri, ‘The State and Prospects of WTO E-Commerce Negotiations’, guest lecture organized by the World Trade Institute, International Trade Centre and the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Tashkent and online, 28 November 2022

Mira Burri, ‘Fake News and the Regulation of Platforms in the EU and the US’, lecture part of the lecture series of the Swiss Section of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ-CH) ‘Social Media and Human Rights’, University of Lucerne, 24 November 2022

Mira Burri, ‘Data Governance and Trade Law: Understanding the Rule-Framework and Identifying Inequalities’, Ringvorlesung, University of Lucerne, 16 November 2022

Mira Burri, ‘Human Rights Implications of Digital Trade Law’, ASIL Research Forum, University of Miami, 12 November 2022

Mira Burri, ‘Cross-Border Data Flows and Privacy in Trade Agreements: The Positioning of the EU’, Oxford Global Society webinar, 4 November 2022

Mira Burri, ‘Data and Digital Services in the Indo-Pacific Region: Current Trade Regulation and Ongoing Initiatives’, Queen’s Institute for Trade Policy, Queen’s University, Canada, 25 October 2022

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Trade: New Design Elements in FTAs’, The Concept Design of 21st Century Trade Agreements Workshop, World Trade Institute, University of Bern, 30 June 2022

Mira Burri, ‘E-Commerce Regulation after MC12: Where Are We, Where Are We Heading?’, Trade Law 4.0 Webinar, 22 June 2022

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Cultural Policy in Switzerland’, Rapids and Backwaters Workshop, Telemark Research Institute, Bø, Norway, 14 June 2022

Mira Burri, ‘Understanding the Dynamics of Digital Trade Rulemaking: Experiences Gathered in Recent FTAs’, WTO Digital Trade and Transformation webinar, 24 May 2022

Mira Burri, ‘Do Cultural Quotas Work in the Digital Media Space: The European Perspective’, Conference ‘Global Online Platforms: Free Access and Free Trade vs. Domestic Culture’, Columbia University and online, 18 May 2022

Kholofelo Kluger, ‘Are data localisation requirements effective tools for achieving economic development in Africa?’, Linking Climate Change, Digitalisation and Sustainability: Turning Foresights into Action in Times of Crisis, World Trade Institute (WTI), University of Bern, 6 May 2022

María Vásquez Callo-Müller, ‘FTAS’ Contribution Towards a More Flexible Copyright Space: Possibilities and Limits’, Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Global Expert Network on Copyright User Rights, American University Washington College of Law – Program on Information Justice & Intellectual Property, 21 April 2022

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Technology as a Reshaper of Global Trade Law’, Law and Economics Conference, Lucerne, 8 April 2022

Mira Burri, ‘Cross-Border Data Flows and Privacy in Global Trade Law: Has Trade Trumped Data Protection?’, New Frontiers in Trade Workshop, Oxford and online, 6 April 2022

Mira Burri, ‘Policy, Regulatory and Legislative Frameworks for Digital Trade and Data Flows’, TRADE IN KNOWLEDGE Book launch, Geneva and online, 31 March 2022

María Vásquez Callo-Müller and Iryna Bogdanova, ‘Unilateral cyber sanctions and global cybersecurity law-making’, ESIL Research Forum: International Law and Global Security Regulating an Illusion, University of Glasgow, 31 March 2022

Mira Burri, ‘Current Developments in Global Digital Trade Regulation: What Role for the WTO?’, keynote for the EU Delegation to the WTO, Divonne-les-Bains, 30 March 2022

María Vásquez Callo-Müller and Iryna Bogdanova, ‘Unilateral Cyber Sanctions and Global Cybersecurity Governance’, 11th Annual Cambridge International Law Conference: Strengthening Global Governance through International Law: Challenges and Opportunities, University of Cambridge, 26 March 2022

Mira Burri, ‘The Potential of an EU-Japan Digital Partnership for Digital Trade Governance’, Elcano Royal Institute, Madrid and online, 17 February 2022


Articles and working papers

Mira Burri, ‘A WTO Agreement on Electronic Commerce: An Enquiry into its Substance and Viability’, Trade Law 4.0 Working Paper No 1/2021

Mira Burri, ‘Governing “European values” inside Data Flows: Interdisciplinary Perspectives’, Internet Policy Review 10 (2021) (with Irion, Kolk and Milan)

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Transformation: Heralding in a New Era for International Trade Law’, Trade, Law and Development 13 (2021), 38–62

Mira Burri, ‘Interfacing Privacy and Trade’, Case Western Journal of International Law 53 (2021),

Mira Burri, ‘Towards a New Treaty on Digital Trade’, Journal of World Trade 55 (2021), 77–100

Iryna Bogdanova and María Vásquez Callo-Müller, ‘Unilateral Cyber Sanctions: Between Questioned Legality and Normative Value’, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 54 (2021), 911-954

Edited books and special issues

Mira Burri, Governing European Values inside Data Flows, special issue, Internet Policy Review 10 (2021) (with Irion, Kolk and Milan)

Book chapters

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Trade: In Search of Appropriate Regulation’, in F. E. De La Rosa et al. (eds) Justice, Trade, Security and Individual Freedoms in the Digital Society (London: Thompson/Reuters, 2021), 213–247

Mira Burri, ‘Data Flows versus Data Protection: Mapping Existing Reconciliation Models in Global Trade Law’, K. Mathis and A. Tor (eds) The Law and Economics of Regulation (Berlin: Springer, 2021), 129–158

Mira Burri, ‘Data Flows and Global Trade Law’, in M. Burri (ed), Big Data and Global Trade Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021), 11–41

Mira Burri, ‘Big Data and Global Trade Law: An Introduction’, in M. Burri (ed) Big Data and Global Trade Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021), 1–8


Mira Burri, ‘Digital Trade Developments in FTAs’, UNESCAP-UNCTAD Global Course on Negotiating Regional Trade Agreements for Trade in Times of Crisis and Pandemic, Geneva and webinar, 14 December 2021

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Trade Governance. The Approaches of Canada and the United States’, Queen’s Institute for Trade Policy, Canada, webinar, 19 November 2021

Mira Burri, ‘Data Governance in Trade Agreements: Evolution, Trends and Inequalities’, Ringvorlesung, University of Lucerne, 18 November 2021

Mira Burri, ‘Cross-Border Data Flows and Data Protection in Trade Agreements’, ASIL Research Forum, ASIL Midyear Meeting, Miami and online, 11 November 2021

Mira Burri, ‘Data, Trade and Regulation’, Conference ‘Towards Inclusive Digital Trade: Data, Development, and Trust’, organized by the USTR and Georgetown Law, Washington, DC and online, 3 November 2021

Mira Burri, ‘EU’s Digital Trade Policies’, World Trade Forum, organized by the EUI and WTI, Florence, 14 October 2021

Mira Burri, ‘Digital Governance’, Workshop on Regulating the Global Digital Economy, University of Oxford, 13 September 2021