
The TAPED (Trade Agreement Provisions on Electronic-commerce and Data) dataset seeks to comprehensively trace developments in the area of digital trade governance. The dataset includes a detailed mapping and coding of all preferential trade agreements (PTAs) that cover chapters, provisions, annexes and side documents that directly or indirectly regulate digital trade.
The TAPED dataset is available to the public as well as easily accessible and reusable for scientists and experts under the creative commons license (attribution, non-commercial, share-alike). We trust that the dataset can be useful for researchers in different areas, such as law, economics or political science, as well as for governments, international and non-governmental organization officials, who may use it as a tool for evidence-based policy-making but also for normative analyses, so as to ensure that data innovation is fostered but at the same time certain fundamental values, such as privacy protection, are adequately safeguarded. We would be honoured to link to further research and publications that make use of TAPED.
TAPED covers more than 350 PTAs agreed upon since 2000. A total of 105+ different items are coded, including provisions on digital trade, intellectual property, key services sectors, government procurement, trade in goods, as well as general and specific exceptions.
The codebook explains in detail the questions behind the coding points and offers helpful information for further use of the dataset. Please cite the dataset as: Mira Burri, María Vásquez Callo-Müller and Kholofelo Kugler, TAPED: Trade Agreement Provisions on Electronic Commerce and Data, available at: with the date of retrieval.